Source code for agentframework

Module requirements:
- 'numpy'
- 'random'

- Agent class
- function for importing the environment: import_environment(path)

import random
import numpy as np

[docs]def perturb(x): """Given a number, returns a perturbed version of it with equal chance of increase or decrease by 1, mod300. Arguments: x (integer or float): a number Returns: Either (x+1)mod300 or (x-1)mod300, with equal probability. Raises: TypeError: if non-number is passed as argument. """ if type(x) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("Can only perturb a number.") return ((x + random.choice([-1,1])) % 300)
[docs]def import_environment(path='data/in.txt'): """Imports the 300x300 pixel environment from the given file path. Arguments: path (str): path to environment file (default 'data/in.txt') Returns environment (matrix of numbers): list of list of numbers imported from the file Raises: IOError: if file not found at the given path """ environment = [] with open(path) as f: for line in f: parsed_line = line.split(',') rowlist = [] for value in parsed_line: rowlist.append(int(value)) environment.append(rowlist) #print('Max of environment: ',max(max(environment))) # we find that max is 245. Choose 250 as max grass level for imshow() in the main python script return environment
[docs]class Agent(): """Provides the framework for sheep agents and their associated actions. Arguments: environment (matrix): list of lists of numbers corresponding to grass height at each pixel of environment agents (list): list of Agent objects in the simulation init_coords (2-tuple of integers): Determines (x,y) at which this agent is spawned. If None, random x and y are chosen between 0 and 300. (default None) sex (str): 'm' or 'f', the sheep's sex (default: None, causes _sex below to be set randomely). Attributes: _x (integer): The sheep's x coordinate, between 0 and 300 _y (integer): The sheep's y coordinate, between 0 and 300 _sex (str): 'm' or 'f', the sheep's sex (default: random if sex argument is None) _store (integer): Amount of grass eaten and stored by the sheep. Initiates at 0. _pregnancy (integer): Stage of pregnancy the sheep is at. Initiates at 0. _age (integer): Number of runs the sheep has lived for. Initiates at 0. Methods: set_ methods: set_x, set_y, set_store, set_pregnancy get_ methods: get_x, get_y, get_store, get_pregnancy, get_sex, get_age "Action" methods: move, eat, share_neighbours, mate Other methods: is_dead, increment_age, distance_to """ def __init__(self, environment:list,agents:list,init_coords=None,sex=None): """Initiates the agent upon creation. Arguments: environment (list): list of lists of numbers corresponding to grass height at each pixel of environment agents (list): list of Agent objects in the simulation init_coords (2-tuple of integers): Determines (x,y) at which this agent is spawned. If None, random x and y are chosen between 0 and 300 (default None). sex (str): 'm' or 'f', the sheep's sex (default: None, causes _sex below to be set randomely). Attributes: _x (integer): The sheep's x coordinate, between 0 and 300 _y (integer): The sheep's y coordinate, between 0 and 300 _sex (str): 'm' or 'f', the sheep's sex (default: random if sex argument is None) _store (integer): Amount of grass eaten and stored by the sheep. Initiates at 0. _pregnancy (integer): Stage of pregnancy the sheep is at. Initiates at 0. _age (integer): Number of runs the sheep has lived for. Initiates at 0. environment (list): store given environment as internal attribute agents (list): store given agents as internal attribute Raises: ValueError: if init_coords list is not of length 2 ValueError: if init_coords not within 0 to 300 range ValueError: if sex is not 'f' or 'm' """ # private attributes if init_coords is None: self._x = random.randint(0,299) self._y = random.randint(0,299) else: if len(init_coords) != 2: raise ValueError("init_coords must be two coordinates.") elif init_coords[0] < 0 or init_coords[0] > 300 or init_coords[1] < 0 or init_coords[1] > 300: raise ValueError("init_coords entries must be within 0 and 300.") else: self._x = init_coords[0] self._y = init_coords[1] if sex is None: self._sex = random.choice(['m','f']) else: if sex not in {'m','f'}: raise ValueError("sex must be 'f' or 'm'.") else: self._sex = sex self._store = 0 self._pregnancy = 0 self._age = 0 # public attributes self.environment = environment self.agents = agents # functions for accessing private attributes
[docs] def set_x(self,x:int): """Sets the private _x attribute to given integer.""" if x < 0 or x > 299: raise ValueError("x must be within 0 and 299.") else: self._x = x
[docs] def set_y(self,y:int): """Sets the private _y attribute to given integer.""" if y < 0 or y > 299: raise ValueError("y must be within 0 and 299.") else: self._y = y
[docs] def set_store(self,val:int): """Sets the private _store attribute to given integer.""" self._store = val
[docs] def set_pregnancy(self,val:int): """Sets the private _pregnancy attribute to given integer.""" if val < 0: raise ValueError("Pregnancy cannot be negative.") else: self._pregnancy = val
[docs] def set_age(self,val:int): """Sets the private _age attribute to given integer.""" if val < 0: raise ValueError("Age cannot be negative.") else: self._age = val
[docs] def get_x(self): """Returns the private _x attribute""" return self._x
[docs] def get_y(self): """Returns the private _y attribute""" return self._y
[docs] def get_store(self): """Returns the private _store attribute""" return self._store
[docs] def get_pregnancy(self): """Returns the private _pregnancy attribute""" return self._pregnancy
[docs] def get_sex(self): # read-only - no set_ option """Returns the private _sex attribute. Note: This attribute does not have a set method - it is read-only.""" return self._sex
[docs] def get_age(self): """Returns the private _age attribute""" return self._age
# actions
[docs] def move(self,optimised=True): """Moves the sheep it is called on one step. Can be random (random walk, optimised=False), or towards the direction of most grass unless current position has more than surrounding areas, in which case the sheep does not move (greedy search, optimised=True). Arguments: optimised (bool): If False, sheep moves randomely to a neighbouring pixel. If True, sheep moves towards direction of most grass, or does not move if current pixel has most grass (default True) """ if optimised: # initialise x_current, y_current = self._x % 300, self._y % 300 x_best, y_best = x_current, y_current max_grass_val = self.environment[y_current][x_current] # run loop on the 3x3 block around the sheep's current position for i in [-1,0,1]: for j in [-1,0,1]: x = (x_current + i) % 300 y = (y_current + j) % 300 grass_val_here = self.environment[y][x] # only update if more grass found here than so far if grass_val_here > max_grass_val: max_grass_val = grass_val_here x_best, y_best = x, y if max_grass_val == 0: # if best grass is 0, means that current position and all directions are at 0 # in this case, take a random step self._x, self._y = perturb(self._x), perturb(self._y) else: self._x, self._y = x_best, y_best else: # If not optimised, perturb the agent's x and y coordinates randomly and independantly using the perturb() function self._x, self._y = perturb(self._x), perturb(self._y)
[docs] def eat(self, max_grass_per_turn=20, sick_enabled=False): """Calling this will cause the sheep to "eat grass" from the coordinate it is standing on in the environment. If the environment has value equal to or more than max_grass_per_turn at the coordinate at which the sheep is currently standing, the sheep will increase its store by max_grass_per_turn, and the environment's value here will decrease by max_grass_per_turn. If the value here is less than max_grass_per_turn, the sheep will add this value to its store and reduce the environment to 0 at this spot. If environment is at 0 at this coordinate, the sheep will not eat. Arguments: max_grass_per_turn (int or float): the maximum amount each sheep can eat per turn, if current coordinate has this available. Otherwise, the sheep consumes what's left of the grass beneath it (default 20) sick_enabled (bool): if True, sheep sick up 50 onto their current coordinate in the environment if their store reaches 100 (default False) """ if type(max_grass_per_turn) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("max_grass_per_turn must be a number.") elif max_grass_per_turn < 0: raise ValueError("max_grass_per_turn cannot be negative.") grass_available = self.environment[self._y][self._x] # eat max_grass_per_turn if grass abundant if grass_available >= max_grass_per_turn: self.environment[self._y][self._x] -= max_grass_per_turn self._store += max_grass_per_turn # do nothing if no grass elif grass_available == 0: pass # eat what's left if less than max_grass_per_turn else: self.environment[self._y][self._x] = 0 self._store += grass_available if sick_enabled: # sick up 50 of store if store goes above 100 if self._store > 100: self.environment[self._y][self._x] += 50 self._store = 50
[docs] def distance_to(self, other): """Given another agent, return the Euclidean distance between self and the given agent. Arguments: other (Agent class): Other sheep to get distance to. Returns: Euclidean distance (float) to the other sheep. """ return np.sqrt(((self._x - other.get_x())**2) + ((self._y - other.get_y())**2))
[docs] def share_with_neighbours(self,neighbourhood_size=20): """Share store with nearby sheep by splitting resources with them. Check if any other sheep are within a given radius of self, and if so, share stores by setting the value of the stores for self and the other sheep to the average of the stores between the two. Arguments: neighbourhood_size (integer or float): Radius below which sharing is triggered (default 20) """ if type(neighbourhood_size) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("neighbourhood_size must be a number.") elif neighbourhood_size < 0: raise ValueError("neighbourhood_size cannot be negative.") for agent in self.agents: # do not perform action with oneself (not necessary as avg of x and x is x, but is good practice in case we generalise, # e.g. if a fight is involved and resources are lost per interaction) if agent is not self: if self.distance_to(agent) <= neighbourhood_size: avg = (self._store + agent.get_store())/2 self._store = avg agent.set_store(avg)
#print(neighbourhood_size) # to check ######### EXTRAS - Mating, Aging and Dying #################################################################################################
[docs] def mate(self, preg_duration=10, min_age=20, min_dist=10, min_store=50): """Enables mating for the sheep, meaning that female sheep get pregnant if they come close enough to male sheep and thus give birth to new sheep after a given pegnancy duration. If both self and other sheep are of age, have enough food store, are close enough, and are also of opposite sexes, the female one will get pregnant. Pregnancies progress with each iteration of the simulation and once the correct duration is reached, a new sheep (new instance of the Agent class) is initiated 5 positions to the right of the mother. NOTES: - At each run of this mating function on an agent (i.e. agent.mating()), that agent looks around it for possible mates. Thus must be run on each agent per update of the simulation. - A pregnant sheep cannot get re-pregnant until it gives birth. Arguments: preg_duration (integer): number of turns that a pregnancy lasts from conception to giving birth (default 10) min_age (integer): both sheep (male and female) must be of this age or more to be able to mate (default 20) min_dist (integer or float): must be closer than this distance to be able to mate (default 10) min_store (integer or float): both sheep must have this much store or more to be able to mate (default 50) Raises: ValueError: if pregnancy value becomes negative or goes above preg_duration """ # type checking if type(preg_duration) != int: raise TypeError("preg_duration must be an integer.") if type(min_age) != int: raise TypeError("min_age must be an integer.") if type(min_dist) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("min_dist must be a number.") if type(min_store) not in [float, int]: raise TypeError("min_store must be a number.") if min_store < 0 or min_dist < 0 or min_age < 0 or preg_duration < 0: raise ValueError("No parameter can be negative.") # add 1 to preg_duration since the iteration in which the baby is conceived counts as +1 in the agentframework # this ensures that if (min_age_for_preg + preg_duration > max_age) then no babies are born preg_duration += 1 # if self has pregnancy 0, look for a mate (always true if male, and a necessary condition if female) pregnancy = self._pregnancy if pregnancy == 0: # proceed if self is of age and has consumed enough food if (self._age > min_age) and (self._store > min_store) and (self._pregnancy == 0): # loop through all sheep in simulation for agent in self.agents: # do not self-mate, please (not needed as opposite sexes required, but good practice in case we generalise to parthenogenesis) if agent is not self: # only mate if distance between self and other sheep is less than the given minimum distance if self.distance_to(agent) <= min_dist: # only mate if other sheep is also of min_age and store if (agent.get_age() > min_age) and (agent.get_store() > min_store): # only mate if opposite sexes if self._sex == 'f' and agent.get_sex() == 'm': self._pregnancy = 1 elif self._sex == 'm' and agent.get_sex() == 'f': # only get other sheep pregnant if it's not already if agent.get_pregnancy() == 0: agent.set_pregnancy(1) elif pregnancy == preg_duration: # Give birth to another sheep 5 positions to the right (mod 300 to cover edge cases) if pregnancy duration reached self.agents.append(Agent(self.environment, self.agents, [(self._x + 5) % 300, self._y])) # reset pregnancy after giving birth, ready for the next self._pregnancy = 0 elif pregnancy > 0 and pregnancy < preg_duration: # Advance pregnancy if already pregnant self._pregnancy += 1 # pregnancy value checking elif pregnancy > preg_duration: raise ValueError("Pregnancy duration exceeded... Something's wrong!") elif pregnancy < 0: raise ValueError("Negative value for pregnancy duration... Something's wrong!'")
[docs] def is_dead(self,max_age=100): """Checks if age has reached the maximum age (integer, default 100) and returns a bool answer.""" if type(max_age) != int: raise TypeError("max_age must be an integer.") return (self._age >= max_age)
[docs] def increment_age(self): """Increments the agent's age on which it was called.""" self.set_age(self.get_age()+1)