model module¶
()[source]¶ To be used by FuncAnimation from matplotlib to progress the simulation. Maximum number of frames chosen to be 2,000.
- Global:
- carry_on (bool): if false, gen function does not increase the frame number
()[source]¶ Reads in parameters from silders and checkboxes and initiates the animation to be plotted. Used by run_stop_toggle to initiate simulation on buttonpress.
()[source]¶ Function to be used by the run_button to start, kill, and restart the simulation. Implements the following functionality:
- If button is pressed for the first time, the simulation is run() and the button text changes to “Kill” and its colour to normal.
- If the now “Kill” button is pressed, simulation is stopped and text changed to “Restart” and to green colour.
- If the now “Restart” button is pressed, the simulation is re-run with new parameters from the GUI, and text changed to “Kill” and colour to normal.
- 2 and 3 are then repeated.
Functionality for returning this button to “Restart” if all sheep die is implemented in update_labels().
(frame_number, max_age, optimised_movement, breed, min_age_for_preg, preg_duration, agents, environment)[source]¶ To be used by FuncAnimation from matplotlib to update the simulation.
Arguments passed through by the run() function which calls this update() function.
- Argument:
- frame_number (int): provided by FuncAnimate()
max_age (int)
optimised_movement (bool)
breed (bool)
min_age_for_preg (int)
preg_duration (int)
agents (list of Agent classes)
environment (list of list of numbers) - Global:
- carry_on (bool)
(frame_for_display, num_agents_for_display)[source]¶ To be used within the update() function to update the display of frame number and number of sheep.
- Arguments:
- frame_for_display (int): frame number
num_agents_for_display (agents): number of sheep alive in the scene - Requires global:
- run_button (tkinter button)
n_label (tkinter label)
frame_label (tkinter label)